Author: admin

Page: 5

Render more and better service for which you are paid and do it with Positive Mental Attitude. Form the habit of going the extra mile because of the pleasure you get out of it and because of what it does to you and for you deep down inside. It is inevitable that every seed of […]


Faith is a state of mind through which your Aims, Desires, Plans, and Purposes may be translated into their physical or financial equivalent. Applied Faith means ACTION- specifically, the habit of applying your faith under any and all circumstances. It is Faith in your God…yourself… your fellow men… and the unlimited opportunities that are available […]


A Master Mind Alliance is two or more minds working together in the spirit of perfect harmony toward the attainment of a specific objective. This principle makes it possible for you, through association with others, to acquire and utilize the knowledge and experience needed for the attainment of any desired goal in life. Your Mastermind […]


Definiteness of Purpose is the starting point of all achievement. All individual achievement begins with the adoption of a definite major purpose and a specific plan for its attainment. Without a purpose and a plan, people drift aimlessly throughout life. Lack of DMP is the greatest stumbling block of 98 out of every 100 persons […]
