Event details
Date: | March 5, 2017 |
Location: | Tayal's Institute |
Address: | 3rd Floor, Jay Prakash Nagar Road No.1, Near Goregaon (E) Railway Station, Mumbai |
Did you know that 98 % population of the world don’t know WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE in their life?
And that is why only 2% of the population control more than 75 % of the world’s wealth!
For the first time in India THINK & GROW RICH ACADEMY
In Association with Napoleon Hill Foundation USA:flag-us: offers a
Active interactions with every participant on 121 bases with full support post-workshop
Objectives of the Workshop
To Discover your Purpose in your life
To Discover your Burning Desire
To aid in quantifying and articulating your exact aim, goal or objective
Presentation of the Concepts by Powerful and Meaningful examples from the COACH for easy grasping and implementation
Active Discussions
Sharing of Insights and Learning
Exercises and Tests leading to Self-Introspection
This Workshop promises YOU that *Whatever the mind can CONCEIVE, & BELIEVE… the mind can ACHIEVE’*
DATE: 05th March 2017 SUNDAY
VENUE: Tayal’s Institute, 3rd Floor, Jay Prakash Nagar Road No.1, Near Goregaon (E) Railway Station, Mumbai 400 063
TIME: Registrations & Open Networking: 10:30 to 11:00 A.M.
Workshop: 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
INVESTMENT: Only Rs. 950/- per Participant