Man’s greatest gift is his thinking mind. It analyses, compares, and chooses. It creates, visualizes, foresees, and generates ideas.
Imagination is your mind’s exercise, challenge, and adventure.
Imagination is the key to all of a person’s achievement… the mainspring of all human endeavors… the secret door to the soul of a person. Imagination inspires human endeavor in connection with material things and ideas associated with material things.
Imagination is the workshop of the human mind where old ideas and established facts may be reassembled into new combination and put to new uses. It is the act of constructive intellect in grouping of materials, knowledge, or thoughts into new original and rational systems.. . a constructive or creative faculty embracing poetic, artistic, philosophic, scientific, and ethical imagination.
Creative vision may be an inborn quality of the mind, or it may be an acquired quality, for it may be developed by the free and fearless use of the faculty of imagination.
Creative vision extends beyond the interest in material things. It does not judge the future by the past and concerns itself with the future more than with the past. Imagination is influenced and controlled by the powers of reason and experience. Creative vision pushes both of these aside and attains its ends by basically new ideas and methods.
One of the ways to increase your flow of ideas is by developing the habit of taking study time, thinking time, and planning time. Be still and listen for that small, still voice that speaks from within as you contemplate the ways in which you can achieve your objective.