Success Habits of Jeff Bezos- CEO Amazon
- Wake-up time at 5 a.m.
- On a daily basis, he does his physical workout (he is preparing to be physically fit in order to go to space)
- He has a healthy breakfast with his wife
- He spends time on strategic planning for the next 10 years
- Tuesdays and Thursdays are specifically reserved for productive work and on Mondays and Wednesdays he has meetings with his general managers
- He surfs the internet, especially e-commerce sites in order to find ideas and new perspectives that he could implement on Amazon.
- He cultivates the habit of saying ‘thank you’ to the people that have helped and supported him during the day, or for any other reason for that matter.
- He reads personal development and fiction books.
- He has the habit of carrying, at all times, a Moleskine notebook with him so that he can write down all the ideas that he has, no matter where finds himself.
- He listens to podcasts and audiobooks whenever he is on the road.
- He practices visualization
M V Narayan On August 19, 2018 at 12:01 pm
Nice observations about Jeff. Very inspiring