If you find yourself in a similar situation then reading this blog can radically alter it.
“The enemy advances, we retreat. The enemy camps, we harass. The enemy tires, we attack. The enemy retreats, we pursue”. – Mao Tse-Tung
The above paragraph literally summarizes how you can have a Bullet-Proof Marketing Strategy.
Interested to know more? Then keep on reading further.
There are Three Principles which are the Pillars in Your Guerrilla Marketing Strategy.
Guerrilla Principle #1:
Find a segment of the market small enough to defend.
Yes, A Guerrilla tries to reduce the size of the battleground in order to achieve a superiority of force. Market Segmentation can either be based on Geography, Volumes, Price etc. Pick a segment small enough so that you can become a leader.
The Classic Example of this Principle is Rolls-Royce
Guerrilla Principle #2:
No matter how successful you become, never act like a leader.
In order to be nimble and agile, the Guerrilla has to be quick in adapting to changes in the marketplace. This can be a great advantage over a market leader who is sometimes is stuck in approvals and procedures to take quick decisions.
The Classic Example of how a Market Leader can fall to Guerrilla attacks is of Nokia.
Guerrilla Principle #3:
Be prepared to bug out at a moment’s notice.
A company that is ready to call off lives again to fight another day. Don’t hesitate to abandon a position or a product if the battle turns against you. A guerrilla does not have the resource to waste on a lost cause. A Guerrilla should be quick to give up and move on.
The Classic Example – Microsoft’s foray into mobile phones.