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Hello! This is Sidharth Shah Why do you think is the real reason to have this Quality of PERSISTENCE. Well you might say that it can give you the confidence, you will not quit, you will have the never stay die attitude. And I am saying that all of this is important & You need […]
Hello! This is Sidharth Shah The Quality of PERSISTENCE which is the 8th Step to Riches is so important that it is glued right in between the 13 steps to Riches. Persistence is the quality by which you continue in your particular course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. There may be […]
Hello! This is Sidharth Shah Although, this term has become very popular, very few people really understand the real meaning of Master Mind and also why Napoleon Hill mentioned this as a very crucial step to Think & Grow Rich. According to Napoleon Hill, Master Mind is Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of […]
Hello! This is Sidharth Shah Throughout History, there have been numerous examples of the Master Mind supporting grand success. Few of them are Bill Gates & Paul Allen, Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak, Larry Page & Sergey Brin, The Board of Mahindra RISE, Jack Ma and 18 of his colleagues etc. I could write a whole […]
Dear Friends, If you want to spark your enthusiasm, creative imagination and an intense desire to the next level and become a winner, then don’t miss reading my blog further. It’s a proven fact now that Emotional Quotient (EQ) is any day better than Intelligent Quotient (IQ). I am a firm believer in this and I really place a lot […]
Dear Friends, How Many of You Want to Become a Genius? In Think & Grow Rich, there is a step by step process which guides you to become a genius in your industry viz. business, work, arts, sports, music, acting, painting, etc. But before I give out the process, let me define What Do you […]
Dear Friends, How Many of You Want to be More Creative? And How Many of You Want to be Million Dollar Ideas which can cause major breakthroughs in your business and your life? Well, there are only these 4 sources from which Ideas or Flashes of Insight or Hunches originate. Infinite Intelligence One’s Subconscious Mind, wherein is stored every sense impression […]
Dear Think & Grow Rich Fan! Do You Want to Eliminate, Terminate and Wipeout Your Entire Competition and Win the Game at Marketing & Sales? If Yes… Then Read on … We all know that Fortune Lies in the Follow-up. Today I want you to put your hand on your heart right now and ask […]
Hello Think & Grow Rich Fans! Over the period of last twenty years of my research I have found that the hardest thing for most people, when it comes to building habits, is sticking to it long enough for it to become ingrained. Simply put: if you can learn to stick to a habit, you […]
How many of you want to know how to have a winning Marketing Strategy? How many of you feel that the Market Leader is too Dominant and Powerful and it’s impossible to Grow Your Sales and thereby your Business? If you find yourself in a similar situation then reading this blog can radically alter it. […]