People Ask me How can one Think & Grow Rich? Skeptics laugh at me when I promote programs and say that You can truly Think & Grow Rich. But all these skeptics who do not believe in the world’s best formula of achievement are missing out the hidden secret behind Think & Grow Rich.
If you Read ‘Think & Grow Rich’- which is The All-Time Best-selling Book of all time since the last 81 years, the word ‘THINK’ is repeated 56 times. However, the word ‘ACTION’ is repeated 79 times in the book.
Yes! Thinking without concrete action is of no use. A fair idea acted upon, and developed is 100 % better than a terrific idea that dies because it isn’t followed up.
I pity those people who are sitting on a gold mine. Why? Because they are just sitting on it !!. They are not mining the Gold. They are not taking any action. All the ideas in the world are of no use if there is no concrete action backed by applied faith and definite major purpose.
Hence my book is titled ‘THINK BELIEVE ACT-CHIEVE’. Read the book, Apply the simple action steps after each chapter and truly start to Think & Grow Rich!