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Introduction: In Think & Grow Rich terminology, Richness is not just the money in the bank. It is a way of living on your terms and living a life powerfully and to you fullest potential without any constraints and limitations. It’s a rich experience of living. A Positive Mental Attitude All riches, of whatever nature, […]
Here are four simple steps to find your way to more success than you could ever imagine: Collect good ideas. Keep a journal. It’s the best collecting place for all of the ideas and information that comes your way. And that inspiration will be passed on to your children and your grandchildren. If you hear […]
Don’t underestimate: Don’t understand the problem or your potential power to cope with it creatively. Don’t exaggerate: This is not the end of the world. You can start over again Don’t Wait: The problem will not solve by itself. Take Action Don’t aggravate: Don’t make any problem better or worse. See the problem just like […]
Mental toughness is the secret sauce for performing at the top of your game. Here’s how to get it. Want to be successful in life? Know this: It takes a special kind of fortitude and it’s what separates the elite from average performers. When the going gets tough, the tough don’t get going—they reach for a […]
Sir Richard Branson isn’t just an authority on entrepreneurialism, he knows a thing or two about leadership skills as well. Throughout his long history of running businesses, the Virgin Group founder has been a well-respected employer – someone who has created thousands of jobs for talented people around the world. He is known for his rule-breaking approach […]
What time Elon Musk, Barack Obama and 4 other successful people go to bed The benefits of getting enough sleep are widely known, but do successful (and busy) people like Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Barack Obama actually squeeze in the recommended eight hours? Some successful people swear by a strict sleep regimen and get to bed […]
Inside the mind of the ‘Richest Man in the World’- JEFF BEZOS Top 10 quotes of Jeff Bezos If you think about the long-term, then you can really make good life decisions that you won’t regret later. There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work […]
Let’s take a look at how to develop critical thinking skills so that you can walk into any situation with the tools needed to set intense emotions aside and make insightful decisions. 1. Become a self-critic. The very first and most important step for developing critical thinking skills is becoming a critic of your […]
Here are the seven things that will assist you in keep going, when everything in you wants to quit. If you find yourself in a situation where you want to give up, these lessons can help you, too. 1. Ignore everyone else. At the beginning of the climb, I only saw the people passing […]
One of the determinants for success and leadership is mental strength. To be a peak performer and attain excellence in any field, you need desire, effort and discipline. This goes beyond acting tough; you have to be willing to work hard and persist even in the face of struggles. Mentally strong people are willing to seek […]